Thursday, March 22, 2007

Why Jimmy Inhofe wasn't invited to play with the other kids

As an early lesson in democratic process, most elementary school classrooms in Santa Barbara have a charter or class constitution posted on the wall. At the beginning of the school year, the kids come up with a list of rules they feel are fair ("No interrupting," for example), and they all sign their names to the agreement.

Based on this little gem from Gore's hearing yesterday, I suspect little Jimmy missed this lesson. I'm kinda embarrassed for Oklahoma...


George said...

I love Barbara Boxer!

(Not in that way, Amy, it's ok.)

Anonymous said...

It's ok! I love her too!

Trekking Left said...

I watched the entire hearing last night. It was amazing; Gore was incredible. And Inhofe came across as a lunatic. He reminded me of holocaust deniers.

Kristin Anderson said...

Thanks to you, I watched three clips of Gore speaking during the hearing, and it was indeed impressive. Though that man can go on! These are exciting times!

RC said...

that's pretty funny.