Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A silver lining?

Just in case, fire crews are wrapping Cold Springs Tavern in a protective foil wrapping. That way, if the Zaca Fire begins racing toward the pass, the historic building will be protected.

For some reason, I can't stop picturing the owner returning after the fire burns through to find the foil-wrapped tavern has expanded to twice its original size, and huge puffs of popcorn are spilling out of the doors and windows. Imagine the salty, butterish aroma!

Curse you, Jiffy Pop... I hate what you've done to me...


Trekking Left said...

From one of my guilty pleasures ==>

Chryss said...

That's IT!

Anonymous said...

Somehow I sense the hand of Orville Redenbacher in all this too. Tinfoil is my favorite.

George said...

Cold Springs Tavern is re-opened, btw, and really really needs business after doing so little most of July and August.